“Well alrighty then!”

I have not had a dram of Jameson in several weeks, so I hauled my jubilant tail right down to the liquor store immediately after I figured out how to get Harold’s handsome self up on this page. My first successful attempt at “web page development.” Good thing I have Sean. At any rate, Harold and I would like to welcome you to Harold’s Room. He likes it. Harold’s mommy likes it. I like it. Hopefully, as time goes by, you’ll come to like it, too. I am about to pour myself a full Pig (more on the difference between a Pig and pigs later) of Jameson and sip a bit of ice water to celebrate. And I believe I will have a Newcastle in just about forty-five minutes. A momentous day for Harold and myself. We’ve been considering doing this for a while. Here we are, for what we’re worth. I’ll hopefully stay sober enough to add more in a bit. And to anyone who reads this, thanks for droppin’ by! You’re always welcome here! Unless you’re a nasty person, and you probably won’t like it here if you are.


More onĀ  Pigs vs pigs:

One Pig

Two pigs

One pig

Lisa gave me the “Where Pigs Fly-Cincinnati” shot glass. I find it handy for measurements when tapering off in the evening.

An introduction to Harold has been added to my original post. I’ll get the hang of this. Sooner or later.

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