“It’s Raining Again”


Yup. Nice, slow, quiet rain. Dark. Moody. I “modified” the patio for Stripey Cat and her feral brood so they can get in out of it.

They spent the night under the table, but are now out roaming the woods. I expect them back if it starts to rain harder.

I only put half of a banana out for the turtles this morning. A nice gentleman ate one half yesterday morning, so I replaced it and was half a banana short today. Unfortunately a young lady showed up and was looking at the wrong plate. She then became fascinated with the stick people.

I went out in the rain and broke the banana into two quarters while she watched me, but then as I headed back for the door she vamoosed into the brush. Some do, some don’t, and some, like the one I call The Watcher, take off as soon as they see me come out the door. We’re all different, yes we are. Even Turtles. Back in a bit. I need more coffee.

I’m back with my nice, hot cup of coffee. Harold is roaming this morning. He loves it when it rains because it brings the other turtles out. He does like to have occasional lady “visitors” and watches for them through the floor level windows. The back door is standing wide open as it frequently does when it is cool, but Harold is not interested in escaping. He has grown quite fond of his five star turtle resort. The sun room is his. The whole room. No terrarium. No tub. This is his domain and he goes where he pleases. He is a big music fan, and his taste is impeccable. He has ways of letting me know if he approves or disapproves of my selections. We frequently put one of the playlists or the entire computer library on shuffle and let Ruby decide what we hear. More on Ruby later. Harold and I have been working on a book off and on for the past two years, appropriately named Harold’s Room. He told me that if I started a page I would be more inclined to write, and he never gives me bad advice. Harold is a very clever fellow. Need more coffee. I am addicted to it.

Stripey Cat (yes, I know it’s a dumb name) is back with the kids.

It is much drier under there, especially if you’re lying on a nice ventilated chair seat.

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