The world seems at peace on Sunday mornings…

There is something about getting up at 5:00 on Sunday mornings, to watch the sun come up, listen to the birds in full throated joy, sip my Gevalia Columbia and smoke my pipe. Peaceful, joyful, idyllic: words alone cannot touch it. The feeling washes over me and permeates my body and brain. The only other time I am this relaxed is when I am in one of my boats on a lake or creek at sunset. The whole world seems to be at peace for once, unlike most other times of the day, and most other settings.

At any rate, Harold, the cats and I have been listening to the birds while the cats had their breakfast and we all had a wonderful morning. I moved the bowls even further into the room, and they are getting very, very comfortable coming in and out.

I suppose I will contact the humane society this week to find out when I can bring them in. It will not be a happy day for me or Lisa, but it will be best for them.

We have to go to my sister’s house today to meet our two new grand nephews. That should be fun. Babies are good for the soul.

I’m hoping Clark and I may be able to get on the lake later this afternoon. shortly before dusk. We’ll see.

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