Well Sweet Ruby, people…

I just don’t know what to say. I’m sitting here listening to Blind Melon at the moment, and looking out the back door at the woods. It ain’t Christmas, but it surely is white, and the deli out back has been full of patrons for days. I am going through black sunflower seed at a remarkable rate. Tons of birds, lots of squirrels, but I haven’t seen any raccoons. Since the freezing rain started the other night, followed by sleet, then snow, then more sleet, and then a lot more snow on top of that slippery mess, well, they say it is not fit out for man nor ‘coon. Now that the cats have gotten used to their first real snow, they don’t seem to mind it much. They run in and out of the cat flap like we did, my friends and myself, when we were kids, and even on through the 70s as we got older and we used to still sled and toboggan. I’m afraid my tobogganing days are over: I don’t like the cold nearly as much as I used to, and I don’t get the urge. A hot cup of chamomile tea is more to my liking now on a day like this. No more flying down the hill, spraying fresh powder. Now it’s talcum powder I crave. At any rate, possibly I’ll come back to write more in a bit, but right now I need to check the chili pot.