All kinds of animals come here. Occasional demons, too!

Look at this crap:A turtle delicacy platter that Harold won’t eat (just the meal worms in the blue scoop), kitty kibble garnished with taco meat and pork chop, cut into bite size pieces for tiny kitty mouths I might add, and milk of course. Plus there is the black oil sunflower seed to be put out for the squirrels and the birds, and thistle seed for the finches, and nectar for the hummingbirds, and banana and a peach for the turtles, and the water bowl and “pond” to flush and fill… I have been feeding or caring for somebody since 7:30 this morning, and cleaning the hummingbird feeders, and Harold’s plate, and planting for Lisa in a pot she decorated that I sprayed with sealer yesterday. Pretty, huh?

A turtle that was sneaking down the back wall when I first went out on the patio this morning ate some banana from one of the red plates in the feeding area, but I was busy with cats and didn’t see him. Everybody came in for breakfast this morning, even Stripey Cat, so I am making headway. A couple of the kittens even poked around inside for a bit, including Jackson, Tiny Terry, Pretty Face and Little Tiger. Definitely progress. It will be a whole lot easier to sneak around the house and shut the patio door than to catch them all in that pet carrier at the same time. Once the patio door is shut the fun will begin! You will note that the paper plate and the milk bowl are both magically moving further and further inside. Stripey Cat is looking at the threatening ceiling fan. She got over it.

I am waiting for our favorite boy to poo and get out of the tub so I can get in. Last time I checked he was standing behind the shower curtain facing the rear of the tub stiff-legged, with his head straight up in the air, staring me in my eye.

“Go. Away.”

He has been in there for at least three hours. Some days he does love his spa treatments. Mood lighting. Incense. A nice cleansing, inside and out so-to-speak, and then rubbed down with “sweet smelling oils.” No wonder he won’t go out the open patio door. Now, if the “handmaidens” would just appear… It just started to rain, and they like that, so there is a possibility. Hear that, Harold?! You had best take care of business! I need to get in the shower so I can go get my scraggly self trimmed.

Okay. He’s out, so it’s my turn. You will note he is giving me a haughty look and refusing to eat his din-din as projected.

I hope to be back later to post some pics from an excursion to Loon Pit Sean and I took yesterday evening. My favorite time on the water is at sunset, and just after in the twilight. It was peaceful, calming and fun. Yes. We were playing music.

A Tull tune to hold you over. Listen carefully to the words. It is not what you think.

4 Replies to “All kinds of animals come here. Occasional demons, too!”

    1. It is utterly sublime to be your audience. Warm and cozy with a splash of irony. Your vulnerabiliti is endearing and heartbreaking. I am proud to know the sailor who understands the language of turtle and kitten

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