Loon Pics And Other Stuff

Okay, I am finally going to stick these up here. A week late. Sean and I swapped boats. Did I mention that? I am old and I forget. Here is what I feel like in Sean’s boat, that is just like my poor, departed, cherished yellow boat:

Just wanted to know if I could still do it. No I am not urinating. That I will not try anymore. I’m old. The JBL waterproof speaker system. A necessary part of my gear. And believe it or not, the birds and the animals like it and stay put, or come out, as I pass by. Canoes just suck. NOT!!!And this is one reason why we like to go around 4:00 PM and paddle until it gets dark. Plus the birds and animals get very active at twilight, and the fish, too. The schools of small minnows come up and make the surface of the water sparkle with their synchronous movements. They do not mind very much if you lift your paddle and glide through them. More on animals at a later date. I have soooo many pictures to sort through.    The difference between technologies, like day and night, so to speak, together in the same twilight dream world as we wend on our separate ways.But here I fear in the northern hemisphere, there is no Southern Cross, just the boats, the twilight, the music, the lake creatures, my eldest son, and me.

It is enough.

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