The shit has hit the fan…

My latest message to the president of the HOA:

From: Megabozo []
Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 8:11 PM
To: ‘Terry Keil’
Subject: Update
I delivered the spray bottle and whistle to Phyllis. That went fine, but Betty came out of her garage after eavesdropping on our conversation and started ranting. I explained to her exactly what Evansville Animal Control, The Vanderburgh Humane Society and ASPCA told me about the cats, the most recent scientific findings regarding feral and community cats, their rights, and what I could do about them according to city ordinances, and that I have done exactly as I was told to do by all three organizations, as the law prescribed, plus expending over $1000.00 of my own money to keep them from wandering into her area. She was having none of it and continued to rant. I offered her the bottle and whistles I bought for them. She refused (she told me to stick them up my ass). She is of the opinion she knows more about the law than I do regarding their rights after I spent a month researching this before I ever did anything about the cats. I was attempting to continue my conversation with Phyllis, but she kept yelling and interrupting and I told her our conversation was over and to please go away. She then advised me she “had friends” and would have them “removed.” I told her that according to city ordinance that was not possible, and that I was advised by VHS that if anyone interferes with the cats I was to call the police and report them. I then asked her again to desist as my conversation was with Phyllis. I finally had to become insistent that she was no longer welcome in the conversation. She finally closed her garage door and left. I had hoped it would go much better than that, but knowing Betty I was not surprised. I wish I had better news for you, but at this point I am at an impasse. I am sure she will be in touch with you, and I wanted you to know what actually happened. I offered her assistance with her concerns. She refused “adamantly.” I regret that so much of our time and energy (and my money) have been expended on this, and we have been unable to placate Betty. Again, I am not surprised since she has hated us since we disagreed with her regarding the actions of the members of the board and wanted us to vote everyone out. We have never even been acknowledged by her since that time, other than her bitching to the board about us. I am sorry you are in the middle of this.
Best regards,

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